Monitoring and Quality Assurance

Sibbertoft Manor has a fully comprehensive Policies and Procedures Manual to ensure all residents get the very best care possible. Our systems ensure monitoring is maintained and all policies and procedures are audited annually.

We have a comprehensive Staff Handbook for staff to follow and use as a reference.

We regularly solicit feedback on the home, the staff and the services we provide, by questionnaire. This allows us to quickly identify areas where there is potential to improve the service.

Residents and Relatives forums are held regularly to provide the opportunity to comment on the operation of the home and matters of concern can be raised. Contributions and suggestions are encouraged, and management use the meetings to inform residents and relatives of impending events, new policies and changes taking place in the home and to gain their views.

Sibbertoft Manor has confidential suggestion boxes sited in prominent locations for residents, relatives, visitors and staff. Suggestions may be made either anonymously or otherwise.

The home’s complaint procedure also acts as an audit tool to improve care and conditions.


Mission Statement

Sibbertoft Manor Mission Statement

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Residents Contract

Terms and Conditions of Residence

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Statement of Purpose

Sibbertoft Manor. Care Home with Nursing.

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