Sibbertoft Manor aims to provide and maintain a homely, safe environment where residents with varying needs are able to live harmoniously, with consideration given to communication, mobility and physical ability together with behavioural presentation and relationships. Our objectives are:
To ensure that each resident is treated on an individual basis with care plans to reflect their needs. Reviews of these care plans are held regularly to identify the category of each resident. We will continuously assess and regularly re-assess the appropriate care required and adapt the care plan according to individual needs, commencing with pre-admission and terminating only on discharge.
To ensure that each resident has on-going documented assessments, that relatives are kept appropriately informed and that the very highest level of care is provided. As residents’ needs change reviews will be held, involving the resident, relatives or their representatives, medical advisors and social services where appropriate together with the Registered Manager.
To ensure that each resident receives medical attention as required and their daily preferences are respected whenever possible to ensure their optimal physical and mental well-being. Each GP visit, medical and medication review will be fully documented in the resident’s individual care plan.
To ensure that each resident knows that they may speak in complete confidence to any person of their choice and consult their GP or any other advisor privately if they wish.
To ensure that any concerns or complaints will be acknowledged within 24 hours and resolved in a professional and responsible manner, within 14 days thereafter.
To invest in training and gain understanding of dementia related conditions and symptoms, and to meet our aims of offering care to those with this condition. All staff will continue to receive dementia training.
To ensure that dignity, privacy and independence are maintained through self-care, self-medication, religious preferences, entertainment programmes and food choices. Residents meetings will be regularly held.
That family members, friends and acquaintances will always be welcomed and involved, where appropriate, in the care of the resident. We have an open visiting policy within the home. Progress reports will be given to relatives regularly. Quality Assurance questionnaires will be given out annually to both residents and relatives and all comments will be duly noted and actioned as appropriate.
To ensure that all staff receive ongoing training in their field of work so that they can provide the residents with the highest level of care. Documented development and training records are held for all staff.
To fully engage with the Care Quality Commission, achieve satisfactory inspections and maintain the very highest standards of best practice.